Last Post 18 Apr 2016 08:29 AM by  Peter Makuta
Unpublished Claims Online
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Don Dorman

19 Mar 2016 01:03 PM

    Is there a way to find out about new claims that are not in the current claims guide?  I am planning to go to the LDMA site at Burnt River Oregon soon and want to know if there are new claims nearby, or on the western side of Idaho.  I have my Pick and Shovel Gazettes in storage currently so I can't go back through them.  There needs to be an easy place to find the unpublished claims on the menus .



    Thanks for any help!




    William Hall

    19 Mar 2016 01:44 PM

    I believe that within this web site you can find that info, may take some digging
    I'm not 100% sure of that, or call the GPAA office they would have that info

    Tim Leibel

    19 Mar 2016 01:56 PM
    If you go to the LEARN tab at the top of the page and pick it. A category for publications will come up, the last 10 Pick & Shovel gazette are in there. New mining claims are listed in the gazette.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    19 Mar 2016 03:52 PM


    If you have the GPAA claims guide that came out mid 2014 it is current as to claims in the Burnt River area.  Have the three up river from the LDMA camp (the 2 Starla's, and the Eagle) and one down river from the camp (can't remember the name of that one).  Nothing new since then.  Caretakers can probably put you on any of them.  We hit the Starla's a few years back when they were new, but didn't spend a lot of time sampling as we had to be elsewhere.  Have not got to the others We got skunked on the Starlas back then.


    Note-  NO dredging or in stream motorized mining as Burnt is 303 listed waterway.  Been that way for a couple of years now.  Oregon classifies even battery power as motorized.

    Don McElyea
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    21 Mar 2016 09:25 AM
    Here is what I do. When I receive the Pick & Shovel I cut out the claims updates and put them in my Mining Guide. You are supposed to have the Mining Guide with you when visiting the claims anyway. Very simple process.
    David Saunders

    21 Mar 2016 09:50 AM

    I am a new member  I am talking about past issues that I don't have.

    I called the GPAA and they don't have any past issues they could send me.


    21 Mar 2016 10:29 AM

    Hi David

    go to learn on the website, then publications will bring up both the magazines tab and Pick and Shovel Tab with all the Pick and Shovels that bring the current MG up to date.

    Don McElyea
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    21 Mar 2016 10:42 AM
    After joining the GPAA a buddy and myself planned a trip to New Mexico. We had our sights on a GPAA claim that looked really good from Google Earth. This was a trip from Oklahoma and we were going to do it over the weekend. I had joined one of the chapters in NM and was in contact with them. I was told the claim had been rescinded. It was still in the Mining Guide and we were surely disappointed at that time but recovered just fine. If you have a question on a claim a GPAA chapter in that area is the best info you can get on a claim.
    Don Dorman

    01 Apr 2016 12:52 AM
    Thank you Tim and Walter. Will be a great help in the future. Good idea too Don. One of those "why wasn't I doing that" when I read it ones too.
    Don Dorman

    01 Apr 2016 12:54 AM


    Thank you for the information and advice!  Helped me out for sure.  I will be going this spring for the first time.  Looking forward to the trip.

    Don McElyea
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    06 Apr 2016 02:51 PM
    Received the new Pick & Shovel in mail. A couple of claim updates were in this issue. Be sure to cut them out and put them in your book.
    Paul Louly
    New Member
    New Member

    06 Apr 2016 03:12 PM
    Posted By Don McElyea on 06 Apr 2016 02:51 PM
    Received the new Pick & Shovel in mail. A couple of claim updates were in this issue. Be sure to cut them out and put them in your book.

    Including the Aces & Eights claim from Gold Trails!

    Peter Makuta

    17 Apr 2016 01:09 PM


    I am a brand new member and waiting for our Claims Guide. I see that recent issues of Pick and Shovel have updates to the Claims Guide and that there are several issues online under "Learn". I have read in the forum that members take the update pages from P and S and add them to their Guide books. How do I print the update pages from the online issues of Pick and Shovel, so that I can have a complete and accurate Guide? The online reader does not seem to allow print.

    Thank you

    Benjamin Crain
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Apr 2016 02:29 PM
    As long as you can read the page on your computer it can be printed, just click on the page and hold down the "Ctrl" button and then press the "Print Screen" Tab. Then you just open a Word and then right click on the blank page and when the list comes up choose paste. That will put you whole screen shot on a word document and then you can print it out.

    There are a few other ways to do it and everybody does it differently. Sometimes you can select specific squares within a advertisement and other times you cannot.
    Peter Makuta

    18 Apr 2016 08:29 AM
    Thanks. Was looking for a regular way other than screen shots
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