Last Post 12 Oct 2015 03:23 PM by  William Hall
California Drought
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Leo Lorenz
Basic Member
Basic Member

07 Oct 2015 08:06 PM

    Look at what is now happening in California. This is in todays news....."With the drought entering its fourth year, anger is building in central California at state and federal agencies, who critics say are putting wildlife ahead of jobs, families and the food supply.  Blocked by environmentalists from pumping water from rivers onto their arid lands, farmers blame both regulations and the agencies and activists who go to court to enforce them. “These are communities who rely almost solely upon agricultural production or agri-business activities,” Gayle Holman, spokeswoman for the nation’s largest agricultural water supplier, the Westlands Water District, told “If we continue down this path, we will most likely see our food production turn to foreign soil. We could lose the economic engine that agriculture brings to our nation.”  Well, this seems just great cause the farmers and the people who rely on these jobs, are now starting to see the reality of what the government is really doing in the name of the environment. Its time for all to band together and get vocal about the detrimental effects the so called environmental activists are causing. Maybe now, because this issue will soon affect the food supply, more people will start to protest and push back against these enviro-facists and cause the politicians to rethink their allegiance.  


    William Hall

    12 Oct 2015 03:23 PM

    Same story different year.
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