Last Post 05 Sep 2015 05:57 PM by  Sandy Kuhl
Mary Ann claim in South Dakota
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Sandy Kuhl

27 Aug 2015 01:18 PM


    Went up to the Black Hills over the weekend. Just wondering if we were in the right place. Does the Mary Ann claim have a bike trail going through it with a place that looks like a drop off/pick up place for bikers or just to park and look around? It also had some buildings on it from an old town. And a restroom. We didn't do any panning because we didn't know if we were in the right place. I hope we were looks like a nice place. Looked for markers but couldn't find any. 


    28 Aug 2015 07:46 AM
    You were almost there. Just cross the creek and go up a little hill and you are right in the claim. Most people go into the trail at the right as you crest that hill. The trail goes down to Castle Creek. Walk around and you will see many digs.
    Sandy Kuhl

    28 Aug 2015 01:18 PM
    Thank you Jon. Wasn't quite sure, and didn't want to do any panning until we were.
    Josh Moen

    04 Sep 2015 02:49 PM
    This maybe a little late but as you past those buildings the bike trial will go straight and the road will go up to the left. once you go up the hill and turn left on the curve start looking for a dirt road that goes down to the right.  This road is in rough condition but if  you walk down it there will be a sign saying Marry Ann.  There is a sign or I should say a square piece of wood nailed to a tree that does have gpaa etched in it on the main road it is hard to see. So just walk down the entry road and find the good sign close to the creek.
    Sandy Kuhl

    05 Sep 2015 05:57 PM
    Thank you Josh!! We were right there, we seen a white pickup down that dirt road and wondered if that was the pace, now we know. Thanks for your help!!
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