Last Post 01 Feb 2019 05:46 PM by  DAVID ZHOU
We have concentrates. We just need someone who can extract the gold
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01 Feb 2019 05:46 PM
    My boss is part owner of a pretty famous gold mine and because of this we have about 50k tons of concentrate and hard rock ore left over from the exploration stage of his project. This particular ore is known to have high concentrations of gold, silver and other PGM's, but one of the issues we're having is that normal fire assays are not picking up all the gold. Much of the gold is being washed away. We need a master assayer that can extract hard to get gold through a chemical or atomic procedure. The person were looking for would either have the appropriate facility or tools necessary for such a process.

    Please message us for samples. I don't check this site too often so if I don't get back to you in a timely manner we can also be reached at mpmineralorecollections at gmail dot com
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