Uploading a Video to Your Profile

Do you have videos of your last prospecting outing, event or your most recent finds you'd like to share with others on the GPAA website? Once you've created a profile, you can upload a video.  (This is currently a Members only feature.)

1) Go to your profile.  From the homepage, go to the top right corner of your browser and click on your profile name or avatar.

Navigation Menu

2) Scroll down the page. On the left menu, click on Video Management.

3) Click on the Select button.  

4) Navigate to the file on your computer that you would like to upload, select it then click the Open button.  We accept most common video file formats including .mp4, .mov, .mpg, .rm, .avi and videos can be up to 500 MB.  Your file will begin to upload. 

5) Once the progress bar finishes, finalize your video upload, by clicking the Upload Selected Files button.  

6) Next enter a title, description, tags (keywords that describe your video), actors (people in the video) and location.  You can also select a category for your video from the dropdown menu.  Creating a series is explained in step #10.  To save this information, click on the Save & Return button.

Note: If you are a chapter page administrator, you will be able to add the video to your chapter page in this area under Add To.  Scroll through the list, select your chapter, then click on the Update button.

7) Your video will be posted on the website after it is encoded and reviewed by the moderator.  It will show as Pending on your Video Management page.  

Once your video is approved, it is automatically posted to Videos on your profile, the homepage of the GPAA website under Recent Videos, and on the Learn page in the Community section (under the GPAA videos).

8) You can manage your video by clicking on the Edit link beside your video.

9) After you make any changes, be sure to click on the Update button.  You can also delete your video by selecting the Delete button.

10) If you would like to link several videos in chronological order, you create a series by entering a name for your Series then by clicking on the Update button to save your changes. Go to the next video you would like to add to the series, type in the series name, and click the Update button. Continue this process until you have linked all of the videos you want in the series.  Now when you go to your videos in the series they will have a link at the bottom guiding the viewer through the videos.

Currently, this video uploads are a members only feature and is in the beta testing stage.  Please click here to report issues or bugs you encounter.

Need help uploading your video? Contact nmccleaf@goldprospectors.org.