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Access POSSIBLE With Any Vehicle — 2x4

18 0
Masis Sarkisian
Step 1 of 3

As others have stated, do NOT follow Google Maps. And avoid after rain.
Off Triangle Road, head north towards Jerseydale but STAY on Jerseydale Road, which is actually a left turn (west) onto a dirt/gravel road.



9 0
Andrea Snable
Step 1 of 1

First of don't attempt this after a rain or in a low clearance vehicle (my subaru outback did ok splitting the ruts.) The last third of the road is quite steep.
Second google maps had me go north at Jerseydale and led me to what seemed to be a forest road but had signs saying "private road and no outlet." (See photo - DO NOT GO THIS WAY) We went up anyway thinking it was maybe meant to keep out riff raff. At the very top is a large home and private property with a locked gate with camera. Came back down and went to the west side.
*These are single car forest roads, go slow! There were kids on dirt bikes and horses!*


Access is Tough Here — 2x4

8 1
Aaron Beaudry
Step 1 of 1

I just followed the google maps directions which take you (from anywhere) into Jerseydale and then on forest roads from there. High clearance and 4wd would be great, but dont believe they're necessary. I have a higher clearance RWD van and made it most of the way ok. The last 0.5/0.75 miles to the ingress coordinates the road becomes impassable even with four wheel drive. You might be able to wrangle a four wheeler/ATV down but large vehicles will not make it. Do not suggest trying to access any of the dirt roads leading to the claim in wet weather.

I hiked down to where Ferguson Ridge Rd intersects Sweet Water Creek and gave up trying to go any further. Steep and tall embankments on either side of the creek, if you want to make it to the center of the claim I think you would need to travel in the creek on foot, which is significantly difficult due to the number of fallen trees after the recent wildfire in the area.