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Nome Creek Valley Gold Panning Area

Average Rating (4 Member ratings)


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Complete Rookie trip 6/22/2019

7 0
Richard Lentz
Step 1 of 1

I came up here with visions of nuggets and pickers dancing in my head. Once I got there and saw it had all been dredged kind of dampened my spirits. Spending all day panning for nothing really killed them. I know this is all part of the deal and will make many more trips up there.
No gold found but oh well, i still had a blast and decided to grab my fly rod to harass the grayling I was constantly seeing. That was awesome. The grayling were ravenous and would eat (almost) anything you put in front of them.

No gold found (But I still have no idea what im doing) but many fish were caught and released.

Dont forget the heavy duty bug spray.


Why so many stars?

7 0
Jeffrey Remsburg
Step 1 of 1

Went to this spot today, after reading the reviews and asking locals about the place, I wasn’t expecting much. It was a nice drive out of town and the directions are pretty simple. A few people with campers down on the river.

Picking a spot on the western side of the area, i worked a few spots in the river, gravel bars, unvegetated banks etc. Nothing produced from that spot. Moved east and tried a few pans as i went, nothing. Went east of the bridge and tried a few more along the way with nothing but verrrry verrry small fine flour gold.

For the time spent here i would not say this area is worth the drive to pan. Maybe camp and just enjoy the outdoors.

Why does this place have so many stars when little if any gold has been found here?


7/20/2019 Site Report

6 0
Christopher Smith
Step 1 of 1

Arrived and found the site as described. Almost the whole valley floor had been dredged and most of the floor including the river is all tailings. I hit several spots on the river and all I found was micro gold. I just had a pan and no micro gold recovery equipment so brought back nothing. You may be able to find gold in the pockets where the dredge didn't go but the river is all dredged out.