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Directions to a quick prospect — 2x4

27 2
John Prospector
Step 1 of 5

Take the 15 freeway North until you reach exit 119 for Sierra Avenue.


Alternate parking — 2x4

11 0
Doug Wozny
Step 1 of 1

The prior post on 5/19 by Don Wendt shows a good turnout, but its tiny and barely fits a small car (those 3 boulders are really close to the road). The road has no shoulder area. There's another area a little more west that gets you closer to the claim with a short southwest walk. The only problem with this spot is there a curb that must be driven over (maybe 5 or 6 inches high). Might be bad if you don't have ground clearance. A typical 1500 class truck or larger will be fine but I dont recommend it in a little soccer mom car. South of the curb is a large flat and clean area of gravel that can easily fit a couple vehicles. I didn't think to get a picture, but I can grab the coordinates on google earth of anyone needs it.


Better view of entry point to the claim. — 2x4

10 2
Don Wendt
Step 1 of 1

While the other directions here have helped a lot. Seems gps likes to wander a tad on the way up. Here is what the entrance currently looks like as of today. (There is also a small spot one can park at across the road from it) and as of this posting I walked from one end of the canyon floor to the other side, Creek is currently non existent top side here (running under ground? I have no idea but it’s dry on the claim)


the parking area on claim has been opened up a bit — 2x4

3 0
Step 1 of 1

the photos in prior posts show the turn out area just BEFORE you hit the claim turn out area. the claim has a good turn out area now. the boulders are pushed back and the push piles have been pushed back more. there is now an area large enought for about a 8 cars or more if parked right and the area in the photos from others is also expanded and now can park anther 6-7 cars so the parking areas are much better now- higher clearance is the best choice as the parking area has a curb to climb over and only 1 small area a low clearance vehicle could enter a lot like a drive way.....rough but doable with a car no problem now


It's full of bullets — 2x4

2 0
Gerald Leffew
Step 1 of 1

Buck shot I tried 4 different places the pan is full zoom in on this pic to see its crazy . Easy place to get .