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NW Vbait

20 0
Step 1 of 1

Finally found my first AZ gold, 3 small nuggets using a GB2 with the small coil. Camped and MD'ed on site for 4 days in the NW area. Covered alot of ground and dug over 200 small signals, found my 3 small nuggets in a small feeder wash near the main wash. I saw a few other folks MD'ing but didn't get a chance to see how they were doing. Busy place, In the 4 days I was there must have seen about 20 people on claim prospecting.


There's still gold!

18 0
David Holley
Step 1 of 1

My partner and I detected the claim for a few hours and had good results. I've heard people say that this claim has been beat over many times but I can tell you that there is still gold out there to be found! Found nuggets that are almost 2 grams in weight and smaller ones about a grain. Have also picked up a small specimen. When metal detecting, look for signs such as quartz, schist, and contact zones. As always, go low and slow. Listen for the small signals. Most importantly... Have Fun!


Vulture bait

13 0
Tad Hamilton
Step 1 of 1

Stay out of the main wash when detecting this claim will make you work for the gold but is there.


SE section

13 0
Step 1 of 1

Finally I had a chance to MD Vulture Bait on Feb. 11th, started on the SE of the claim, really good looking ground, I only seen a few MD holes, maybe from a PI MD the holes were about 6 to 8" deep (after I checked them I filled them back in) and no dry washer signs in the SE area. I MD about 8 hours found about 200 small trash items so the area didn't seem to be worked very hard, I didn't find any gold here (yet). I was planning to start MD the northern section of the claim but then the rains moved in so now I'll have to wait until November.


There's gold here if you look for it.

13 0
David Gouchenour II
Step 1 of 1

Went out to the claim with the MD for about an hour. Found lots of old metal which I threw in the back of the truck and took with me so the next guy didn't have to deal with it and to clean up the claim. I did find a little picker in my bucket of concentrates from where I dug the spots that the MD picked up since I only had so much time on the claim.
