Last Post 11 Jun 2018 04:51 PM by  lance carlson
Tips from a newbie to other newbies
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Don Wendt
New Member
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19 May 2018 09:27 PM
    Ok, I have just started within the last year or so when it comes to panning and prospecting, I’m gojng to throw some ideas out there from my experiences.
    1. Start basic gear wise, a couple of classifiers and a good garret or GPAA ridged / gravity pan.
    2. Watch a TON of YouTube videos!! There is a load of great ones with prospecting basics and pan working etc (I will also be doing my own videos soon!) watch a mix of types. Panning wet and dry, ask Jeff Williams has some good ones also on what to look for in the wild and pay attention take notes if needed.
    3. Buy some paydirt practice panning with it. It will help a ton, (doesn’t have to be high grade pay dirt) but try to get one that says WILL CONTAIN SOME GOLD. I have bought from about 4 sellers, 1 was worthless, 1 was Awesome and two were so so. (If you pm me I will tell you who’s I liked and was great for the price, your results could vary)
    4. Have fun with it, don’t expect to get rich (one never knows in the wild but don’t expect gold rush tv show type results)
    5. After you do the above try out one of the claims.
    You just never know with all the above done you may just get lucky,
    As of today 1st Time EVER on a claim (dry no water at all) I bought back about 1//4th of a bucket full sampled from 5 places. After about 8 tables spoons I have found small gold!!
    6. When looking up the claim information try to use the GPS CORDS, have a hand held gps makes a huge difference. A dedicated unit instead of a cellphone. I ended up walking 4 miles today went beyond the claim to try and find the creek running (apparently under ground now) but for a little bit I was backwards.
    Use the gps mark location feature at parking spot and claim edge etc.. makes it easier. ALSO sample the claim all over and mark those spots too! (I know which 5 spots I’m going back to after today because their gps tagged)
    7. Take fluids and a snack, you will be surprised if you get out there and even in cooler weather it drains you. Know your limit, if you go far out on a location know when your body has enough to get back and safely. I hit my limit today my body was about done.
    8. Dress for the area. I was partially under dressed today (shorts) but did keep my hoodie and hood on. I’ll be damned if I didn’t have TWO ticks on my hoodie when I got to my truck. (Decided to check BEFORE getting in my vehicle) steel toe boots are ideal for a few reasons. Foot protection but also ankle!! I took a fall today ended up with a thorny round bush in my back and one half ankle twist. The boots saved my ankle well!

    I’m sure there is more I’m not thinking of but I’m also wore out after about 5 hours on the claim today!
    Have found enjoy hope this helps at least one person!
    Don Wendt
    New Member
    New Member

    21 May 2018 02:07 PM
    Forgot to add to tips.
    It so much better when panning!
    I’ve tried a variance of bulbs. Nothing beats good old sunlight..
    William Hall

    21 May 2018 03:57 PM

    Welcome to the gold fever club.

    Those are some really good insights to being out mining
    You will learn something new every time your out
    Sunlight is best in many cases, know when to call it aday

    Dont forget to take a little time to look around and enjoy the surroundings

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    23 May 2018 01:59 PM
    Don- about the only thing I'll add/change is to take some small kitchen trash bags.  Use to separate your samples if going to process at home, and mark the bags as to where you got them.  That way if you don't find anything in that sample you'll know whare it came from.  When you hit a bag with gold, you'll know where it came from and can go back to that spot without wasting field time.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    24 May 2018 02:54 PM


    Saw your want ad...

    Suggestion, get some classifiers in 1/4", 1/8", and 20, 50, 70 and 100 mesh.  With the small gold you get rid of the bigger material, makes panning it a lot easier.

    I just put the finest mesh on the bottom of the stack on a pan or bucket and the coarsest on top, and wet classify my material.  Pan out what each screen holds, and finish with what went through the 100 mesh. Be surprised how fast it will go.

    Don Wendt
    New Member
    New Member

    27 May 2018 07:38 PM
    Hah! Great idea!! More so considering I thought about it and forgot before my last trip. So 6 spots marked with gps but one bucket.. next trip will include trash bags for sure and a sharpie marker.
    Water would be nice but not going to hold my breath for it. This claims water ways are unique
    Don Wendt
    New Member
    New Member

    27 May 2018 07:42 PM
    Good point, I have a stack of classifiers now but I ended up noticing I was missing the 50 and the 15.
    Once my order comes in I’ll have all 8 blue stackable Keene offers. Now the other debate better to classify dry or wet? I’ve done both. I’m not fond of the gap around the bottom of the classifiers and the screen on these.
    Seems wet at least makes sure no powder gold is sitting in the edges.
    My current claim samples are damp/ wet from a attempt to pre screen while at the claim with a water bottle and pan.
    Don Wendt
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Jun 2018 01:47 PM
    Haha! I did not expect my post to be featured In the email newsletter! Haha

    Let me clarify though, panned a few times as a kid and retained nothing.
    And it’s been maybe 6 months now not even a year since starting up.

    But cool to the post listed haha.
    Brad Arkle

    09 Jun 2018 07:46 AM
    Also a newbie to this dry desert stuff. Came from CO where everything is wet. And cold. My wife gave me some of her extra grocery bags I'm going to try for sampling. You know, those recycled plastic bottle things? They gave them away in Denver and we ended up with far too many!
    Brad Arkle

    09 Jun 2018 08:07 AM
    By the way, I'm also new to AZ. The move was kind pricey, so I've been looking for as much free stuff as I can find. Mohave County has a great site for finding your way to the claims in the county. Here's the link. It doesn't give claim data, but it is good for getting there. Be sure to verify coords against claim guide..
    lance carlson

    11 Jun 2018 04:51 PM

    I have started a YouTube channel to address this very issue. I would like people to learn from my mistakes. Lessons I have learned along the way. so far my videos are mostly the trips Elmo and I go on each week. Will be adding educational videos soon.

    thanks for sharing your info.

    on #3 above- I teach people to take sand or even some gravel from your driveway and throw a couple of BB's in it. Practice panning all the material out- and not loose the BB's. Once you can do that -you should have the confidence you will be able to hang on to even the flour Gold.

    Please stop over and check out my YouTube chanell..Its a little odd, But I have fun and the grandkids love it...


    Metal Detecting Mt

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