Last Post 31 May 2014 04:09 PM by  Sheila Wann
camping / panning weekend trips
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Kevin Schoenstein

27 May 2014 06:19 PM
    I am in the Bay Area and am trying to find some good places to go camping/panning for weekend trips?

    29 May 2014 06:59 AM

    The best way to go is to contact the local chapter, I do not think there are any claim real close but with a little drive it is very doable. Here is the link on GPAA website for the CA chapters.


    Kevin Schoenstein

    29 May 2014 06:08 PM
    Thank you for the info
    Sheila Wann
    New Member
    New Member

    30 May 2014 10:49 AM
    I'm going to coker creek claim in July and I had a couple of questions. When I get to the claim to I have to show someone my card or sign in cause when I call the place in the mining guide no one answers. I.also want to know the mining etiquette. Like picking a spot someone is near what do you do?
    William Hall

    30 May 2014 03:33 PM

    We have many claims close to the Bay Area ( I assume you mean San Francisco ).
    Some claims are "only" a 2 1/2 hour drive, some are more.
    Do you have an area in mind that you would want to visit, if you do list them and maybe get an answer to your question.
    When you say "camping", are you talking tent camping, motor home/camper camping, or local motel camping or ?
    I have more questions than answers at this point.


    Welcome to GPAA.
    I have heard of Coker Crk, but I am unsure of its location. I looked through the California section of the claims guide, I have figured out its not in California.
    In this part of the world, California "normally" no one will be there to check cards. I believe LDMA is different in that they are camps that will have caretakers around to help out.
    As for picking a spot that someone may be near, stop and talk to them, start a conversation, you will get a feel "should I stay near or move away".
    Mining etiquette, its kinda like a fishing spot, be friendly, don't muscle your way in, keep a far distance.
    They may even offer advise "don't dig there, I didn't find anything last time out"

    Kevin and Sheila,

    When your out there, stop and look around take a moment, enjoy your surroundings.

    Tim Leibel

    30 May 2014 04:33 PM
    William, Coker Creek is in Tennessee. I understand the Coker Creek GPAA club claim is very active and will be more than willing to help out newcomers to the claim. The state director is from that club I think.
    Tim Leibel

    30 May 2014 04:36 PM

    Here is a link to one of the clubs in the Bay Area . I know a few of the people there and they are friendly, very active prospectors and very knowledgable. I know there is also a club in San Jose and a couple more as you get closer to the mountains like in Fresno etc. All a bunch of nice people and always looking to go prospecting with new people. I miss living in that area.
    Dominic Ricci
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    Basic Member

    30 May 2014 06:53 PM
    I'm headed to Roaring Gold Camp for a fun filled week of friends, family, food, laughs, some practical jokes and .... Gold! No one in the office believed me when I said I was going on vacation for a week. Maybe they'll realize it by mid next week. Ha ha ha.

    I post some pictures when I get back.
    Sheila Wann
    New Member
    New Member

    31 May 2014 04:09 PM
    Thank you. I'm going to try my luck can't wait though!!
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