Last Post 01 Jun 2017 07:54 AM by  WALTER EASON
Dry Washer
 2 Replies
Author Messages
Steven Pellnitz

30 May 2017 01:03 PM

    I am looking to purchase a dry washer and was wonder what others like and dislike about what they have or have had in the past.  What do you like/dislike about a certain brand.  If you had to purchase another one would you stick to the same brand or purchase something different. 

    I would be dry washing in the Southern CA desert area.


    Thanks for any replies/advice in advance.




    Joseph Loyd

    31 May 2017 08:05 PM

    I like my 140s as it has different ways to use it .It has an air adjustment that allows you to do different thing depending on the type of material that you run.I had an AZ gold before that and it worked fine ,just no adjustments on it .It done its job until until I wore the cloth out of it .

    Oh the 140 is made buy keene.


    01 Jun 2017 07:54 AM
    I have a DW2 with electric motor with hand crank and a larger one about like a 151 blower with heater. I like the bigger one as it is not that much more to set up or transport in truck but because of it's size I can put more through it and still run it somewhat flat.  it is louder of course and can create much more dust but just stay upwind. Have found that the bellows unit did work in a few areas better but slower.
