Last Post 19 Mar 2022 08:46 PM by  David Scott
Tip to greenhorns
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David Scott

19 Mar 2022 08:46 PM
    There are 3 different ways of understanding your fellow prospector you meet them on the claim and ask them how they are doing?
    1. He/she says they haven’t seen 2 colors all day long. That means they are on the Mothers Load and they aren’t going to tell you!
    2. Person says he is getting rich with his digging. That means they haven’t seen 2 colors all day long!
    3. You only get a quick glimpse of #3 as they are heading back to the truck and they Yell back I Struck the Mother Load Boy! That means if he/she doesn’t get to town for some Whisky they are going to DIE!
