Last Post 10 Nov 2014 06:54 AM by  BOBBY FREEDOM
Prescott in the winter or a bit further south?
 2 Replies
Author Messages

29 Sep 2014 07:26 PM


    I will be heading to AZ this fall and winter for a long term trip.

    Length undefined, as I am just going to wander the south west for awhile and enjoy the trip.

    I will be bringing a 4x4 truck and equipment.

    Looking for someone to help me out as to areas  to check out.

    Planning on camping as much as possible with maybe a motel shower every so often or a dip in a creek.

    I have camped in Alaska and all over the USA on bare ground with real bears.

    I like snakes and enjoy the outdoors.

    Looking to metal detect and pan.

    Might need a dry washer and would be willing to buy one if needed.

    Would like to gravitate towards Alaska if possible (funds?) 

    I'm 56, in good health and perhaps experiencing a late midlife crisis


    Prefer to eat wild stuff, and I can cook.

    Anyone in AZ want to prospect with me?





    Mica Amelin

    27 Oct 2014 12:20 AM
    Hey Kirk...I live on the KENAI Peninsula in AK, but will be moving to the Prescott area by summer. i am a 59 year old gal,, with a 4 inch Keene dredge system, used once successfully in 1994...but never made it back out to the site again. I am the only person who knows where that site is, and only way in is by Hughes 500 helicopter..due to tiny landing area. I am willing to drive out somewhere the dredge would work. Camping is fine with spiders but hate snakes. I also found some sort of spiral setup in my basement...2 pretty big RED spirals, have no idea what it is. Name is Mica

    10 Nov 2014 06:54 AM
    I had a great time and got decent color in Both Lynx Creek in Prescott (hand panning) or down in Congress, AZ near Stanton.
    If you don't want to drywash, you can also run a recirculator with a mini highbanker, I used one on 12v but the water gets muddy and you have to stop the pump to check the sluice.
